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Month: September 2023

De véritables outils démocratiques – un article dans La Liberté

Posted in Advocacy, en français, Intellectual Freedom, and Media

“Dans le sud du Manitoba, des résidents avaient fait circuler plusieurs pétitions dont une au mois de juillet afin de retirer des livres d’éducation sexuelle de la bibliothèque publique South Central Regional Library. Après plusieurs mois de réflexion, le Conseil municipal a décidé de faire passer une résolution afin que deux membres du Conseil et administrateurs du CA de la bibliothèque exercent une influence pour élaborer une politique au sujet des critères de classement des livres.”

De véritables outils démocratiques


Letter of concern sent to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

September 4, 2023

Good day,                                                                                              

Manitoba Library Association has been following calls for censorship across a number of Manitoba public and school libraries for several months. South Central Regional Library, Louis Riel School Division, Prairie Rose School Division, and Brandon School Division seem to be especially targeted by groups espousing hatred of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

On August 28, 2023, with respect to continuing book challenges in school libraries, Trustees of the Brandon School Division were served Action4Canada “Notices of Personal Liability”, as reported by the Brandon Sun: Trustees served ‘notices of liability’ – Brandon Sun.  Kathy Smitzniuk, Brandon Resident, noted “With assistance of Action4Canada, we presented a stack of notices of liabilities signed by Brandon residents to the Brandon School Division officer for distribution to six of the trustees”.

Manitoba Library Association has since observed Action4Canada’s broader “call to action” on their social media pages calling on men to serve such notices to teachers and principals during return to fall classes. Hyperlinks are available and a screenshot of the Twitter page is also attached.

Canadian Federation of Library Associations (of which Manitoba Library Association is a member) has recognized that such notices appear to be an intimidation tactic. CFLA Issues Guidance on Responding to “Notices of Personal Liability” – news (

In the context of such notices being so recently being delivered to School Board Trustees in Brandon, Manitoba Library Association is concerned that this “call to action” incites a broader campaign of overt bigotry towards the LGBTQIA+ community and targeted harassment towards those working in school environments in the Brandon School Division, elsewhere in Manitoba, and indeed throughout Canada.

Recognizing the Canadian Anti-Hate Network as a leader in monitoring hate groups in Canada, and a resource our organization has looked to for reliable information, we wanted to share these concerns with you.

Yours sincerely, 

Melanie Sucha, MLIS (she/her)

Past-President, Manitoba Library Association

Download the Election Toolkit 2023 – today!

Posted in Advocacy

It’s time to get loud with your advocacy for Manitoba libraries!

The writ has dropped and the Manitoba Library Association has launched it’s Election Toolkit 2023 to help engage candidates and the public on the topic of support for public libraries.

It’s more important than ever to ensure our elected government officials truly understand the value and importance of Manitoba Libraries!

This toolkit provides the following pieces needed to communicate with candidates:

  1. MLA’s top priorities for the 2023 provincial election;
  2. an email/letter template for contacting candidates;
  3. suggested questions to pose to candidates;
  4. social media posts to share with your social networks;
  5. a list of helpful resources related to the value of public libraries.

Download our latest Election Toolkit 2023 today!