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At the Manitoba Library Trustees Association (MLTA) AGM on November 27, 2017, our membership approved the following motion:

That the MLTA agrees, in principle, to dissolve as a stand-alone organization in order to become a Division of a reformed Manitoba Library Association, provided that the transition and operating terms are amenable.

Dissolution and reformation took effect on January 1, 2018.

The MLTA Board is excited about the opportunity to continue to promote the values and mission that the MLTA has long stood for in the new Manitoba Library Association (MLA), along with our partners, the existing Manitoba Library Association and the Manitoba Association of Library Technicians.  This decision was based upon several years of discussion (2015-2018), meetings and consultation with the Manitoba library community.

We believe that the library voice will be strengthened in this new arrangement, while some of the administrative tasks can be more efficiently addressed.  Opportunities for communication, networking, professional development and advocacy initiatives amongst all library workers, supporters and stakeholders in Manitoba will be enhanced.  One strong and cohesive Manitoba Library Association will promote collective impact.


The Trustees Division of MLA seeks to promote and foster the effectiveness of public library boards through leadership in communication, advocacy, and support of trustee education.


  • To be a voice for library trustees in Manitoba.
  • To foster changes in government policies for libraries in Manitoba.
  • To promote a better understanding of the duties and responsibilities of Library Trustees.
  • To provide opportunities for the exchange of ideas and experiences amongst library trustees in Manitoba through conferences and publications.
  • To develop channels of communication with other provincial, national and international library trustee associations and other partners in order to share information and ideas.

Topics Relevant to Trustees within the MLA Website:

Trustee Learning

Advocacy for public libraries and trustees

Awards (including MLTA Trustee of Distinction Award)

Manitoba Library Trustees Association Newsletters (before amalgamation with MLA):

2018: JanuaryMarch

2017: JanuaryAprilOctober

2016: JanuaryMarchJuneSeptember

2015: JanuaryAprilAugust

2014: FebruaryAugustOctober

2013: JanuaryAprilOctober

2012: MarchJune

2011: JulyMarchDecember

2010: JuneMarch, October