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Category: Intellectual Freedom

Human Rights Award presented at South Central Regional Library!

Posted in Advocacy, Intellectual Freedom, and Scholarships & Awards

Manitoba Library Association visited the Winkler branch of the South Central Regional Library last week to present the first ever Human Rights Book Award to Cathy Ching and her team.

The event was captured by local media and you can read more here.

Many thanks to the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, our partner in the creating this award. And of course, our thanks and congratulations to the SCRL staff for their fantastic dedication and inspiring work in upholding the values of information access for all.

Manitoba Library Association awards its first Human Rights Book Award to Cathy Ching and the South Central Regional Library System!

Posted in Intellectual Freedom, Membership, and Scholarships & Awards

Manitoba libraries are upholding the fundamental values of intellectual freedom, inclusion, and diversity despite recent calls for censorship and the harassment of library workers. 

Appreciating this important and yet often unrecognised work, the Manitoba Library Association (MLA) alongside the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers (AMBP) are pleased to announce the inaugural Human Rights Book Award to Cathy Ching and the South Central Regional Library System (SCRL). This award is presented in recognition of their “strong resolve in upholding human rights, inclusivity and equity in library access for their library or in the library community at a local, regional, provincial or national level.”

Ching and her team at SCRL have remained passionately steadfast, and according to their nominator, “remarkably positive throughout their censorship ordeals.” SCRL’s experiences have been shared in the media over the past couple of years and have inspired not only their own community but the entire province with their determination “to uphold the fundamental right to freedom of expression and the unrestricted pursuit of knowledge for all individuals, regardless of background or belief.”

The glowing nomination letter also describes Cathy Ching’s willingness to educate and inspire their library peers through conferences and workshops helping to foster a culture of continuous improvement within our professional community.

MLA is proud to celebrate this deserving recipient: 

“Cathy is an amazing example of the type of people we need in our communities and libraries now more than ever. Her work and perseverance in the face of adversity is not only inspiring, it’s a loud and bold statement that libraries will always be a safe space and will help echo the voices that need to be heard.” 

– KC Bateman, MLA Vice-president

AMBP is awarding Cathy Ching and SCRL, whose service, passion, and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion is outstanding among their peers with 15 books from Manitoba publishers.

“The AMBP is proud to support the instatement of the MLA’s Human Rights Book Award. Cathy Ching and the South Central Regional Library System demonstrate an unwavering commitment to keeping our libraries a welcoming, safe space for all.”

– Chelsey Young, AMBP

Both MLA and AMBP send heartfelt congratulations to our very first and very deserving award winner.

De véritables outils démocratiques – un article dans La Liberté

Posted in Advocacy, en français, Intellectual Freedom, and Media

“Dans le sud du Manitoba, des résidents avaient fait circuler plusieurs pétitions dont une au mois de juillet afin de retirer des livres d’éducation sexuelle de la bibliothèque publique South Central Regional Library. Après plusieurs mois de réflexion, le Conseil municipal a décidé de faire passer une résolution afin que deux membres du Conseil et administrateurs du CA de la bibliothèque exercent une influence pour élaborer une politique au sujet des critères de classement des livres.”

De véritables outils démocratiques


Letter of concern sent to the Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

September 4, 2023

Good day,                                                                                              

Manitoba Library Association has been following calls for censorship across a number of Manitoba public and school libraries for several months. South Central Regional Library, Louis Riel School Division, Prairie Rose School Division, and Brandon School Division seem to be especially targeted by groups espousing hatred of the LGBTQIA+ community. 

On August 28, 2023, with respect to continuing book challenges in school libraries, Trustees of the Brandon School Division were served Action4Canada “Notices of Personal Liability”, as reported by the Brandon Sun: Trustees served ‘notices of liability’ – Brandon Sun.  Kathy Smitzniuk, Brandon Resident, noted “With assistance of Action4Canada, we presented a stack of notices of liabilities signed by Brandon residents to the Brandon School Division officer for distribution to six of the trustees”.

Manitoba Library Association has since observed Action4Canada’s broader “call to action” on their social media pages calling on men to serve such notices to teachers and principals during return to fall classes. Hyperlinks are available and a screenshot of the Twitter page is also attached.

Canadian Federation of Library Associations (of which Manitoba Library Association is a member) has recognized that such notices appear to be an intimidation tactic. CFLA Issues Guidance on Responding to “Notices of Personal Liability” – news (

In the context of such notices being so recently being delivered to School Board Trustees in Brandon, Manitoba Library Association is concerned that this “call to action” incites a broader campaign of overt bigotry towards the LGBTQIA+ community and targeted harassment towards those working in school environments in the Brandon School Division, elsewhere in Manitoba, and indeed throughout Canada.

Recognizing the Canadian Anti-Hate Network as a leader in monitoring hate groups in Canada, and a resource our organization has looked to for reliable information, we wanted to share these concerns with you.

Yours sincerely, 

Melanie Sucha, MLIS (she/her)

Past-President, Manitoba Library Association

Article in THIS magazine features MLA-Prison Libraries Committee

Posted in Advocacy, Intellectual Freedom, and Prison Libraries

“Despite the obvious benefits of access to information behind bars, that freedom is routinely limited or not extended to incarcerated people in Canada.”

The Prison Libraries Committee was interviewed for an article in THIS magazine entitled: Books behind bars: Incarcerated people in Canada are often without access to information. Prison librarians are working to change that ( by Leslie Sinclair.

The article describes the realities of working and volunteering in prison libraries as well as shares some valuable and important lived experiences from formerly incarcerated people. If you are interested in learning more about the Manitoba Library Association’s Prison Libraries Committee – please check out our webpage on this site or contact the chair of the committee at


Letter sent from the Manitoba Library Association to the Municipal Council of the City of Winkler

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

July 21, 2023
To the Mayor and Municipal Council of the City of Winkler:

The Manitoba Library Association (MLA) has significant concerns stemming from the July 11, 2023 City of Winkler Council meeting, where the Council chose to officially appoint Councillor Don Fehr to serve as the Council Representative to the South Central Regional Library (SCRL) Board. Further, Council also passed a resolution that called on both Board representatives of the City of Winkler to “exert influence as members of the SCRL Board of Directors to create policy whereby graphically sexually explicit books be moved from the children’s section to another section of the library as appropriate so that children will not stumble across them but they remain available to parents who wish to use them as an educational resource”.

On June 2, while attending the political event for CPC candidate Branden Leslie at the Meridian Exhibition Centre in Winkler, Mr. Fehr was recorded having a conversation with a local anti-government conspiracy theorist Karl Kreb.

In the audio (which can be made available upon request), Don is clearly heard to say the following:
● He identified himself as being a SCRL Board member.
● He told Karl he spoke with two other people, with the full name of one person being Rick Wall, and told them to “hang off with the protesting…to let us do our thing inside”.
● He told Karl he “does not want any media attention on me because I would like to do this in a way that is, methodically done, to, have the final end result that we can have.”

In addition to saying these things on camera during a live-streamed political event, Mr. Fehr’s name also appears on one of the petitions submitted to the City Council for the July 11 Council meeting.

Given Mr. Fehr’s personal views in favour of censoring library materials, and the fact he has articulated his willingness to abuse his authority as an elected official to force his personal views onto the SCRL Board, MLA is deeply disturbed that the City of Winkler Council felt it was appropriate to appoint Mr. Fehr to serve as their representative to the SCRL Board. We are even more disturbed that the Council saw fit to give full support to Mr. Fehr to effectively bully the SCRL Board into forcing SCRL to take action that not only violates the library system’s autonomy, but also forces the views of a few people onto the over 44,000 people SCRL serves.

MLA calls upon the City of Winkler Council to immediately revoke its appointment of Councillor Don Fehr as Council Representative to the SCRL Board, and for the Council to issue an official apology to the other funding councils of SCRL for attempting to force those communities to accept the de facto censorship practices called for in the City’s recent resolution.

Richard Bee, MLIS
Director-at-Large, Advocacy
Manitoba Library Association

MLA Continues Advocacy in Response to Calls for Censorship

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

Manitoba Library Association has continued its work responding to calls for censorship in Manitoba libraries through the month of May. Our board and staff have worked hard on these responses and we would like to express sincere thanks to our members and partner organizations for their collaboration – without your active engagement, these responses would not have been possible.

Intellectual Freedom Toolkit

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

Manitoba Library Association continues to express its ongoing concern regarding book censorship efforts in the province. As recently as this week, Brandon School Division was approached by a delegation suggesting the banning of books from school libraries.

In response to these matters, MLA is announcing its release of the

Public Libraries Intellectual Freedom and Anti-Censorship Toolkit

News – Censorship in BC

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

RCMP Confirms Censorship Attempts Were Unwarranted at BC School Libraries

Canadian Federation of Library Associations Logo

CFLA/FCAB Press Release
14 March 2023, Canada

Libraries continue to defend students’ freedom to read in the face of increased censorship
A recent RCMP investigation found that items in Chilliwack, BC school libraries – while they
may be deemed inappropriate or concerning to some people – do not contain child
pornography. The investigation was in response to a complaint from a member of a Canadian based group which is actively trying to have certain titles – primarily those with LGBTQA2S+
content – removed from libraries. Read the full press release here.