Upcoming professional development opportunities:
Artificial Intelligence in the Library: a roadmap to understanding and implementation
Please join us September 9 from 9:30-11:00am as we host public library administrator, technology consultant, and author Nick Tanzi, for a virtual talk about artificial intelligence and its implications for libraries.
We’re told the age of A.I. is upon us, but what does that mean for our libraries? This webinar will help demystify artificial intelligence and explain how it will change the library landscape. Attendees will be offered specific actions they can take to proactively adapt services, policy, and programming that address this new technological environment.
Nick has authored Making the Most of Digital Collections Through Training and Outreach (2016) and Best Technologies for Public Libraries: Policies, Programs, and Services (2020). He is also a past column editor for Public Library Magazine’s “The Wired Library”, and has been published in Computers in Libraries, Library Journal, American Libraries, and Marketing Library Services. His work also includes professional development workshops, keynote presentations, and talks in the U.S. and abroad, for a variety of library organizations. Nick is the assistant director of the South Huntington Public Library in New York, and has worked in public libraries for 25 years. The focus of Nick’s work is the intersection of libraries and technology, and his speaking approach is one that is light and conversational, and avoids unnecessary jargon.
This webinar is free for MLA members, who will also have access to the recording and a PDF of slides following the presentation.
The event is $40.00 for non-members.
Register here for the event: https://buff.ly/3zmLay5
Past professional development opportunities:
Safety Toolkit Training for Rural Public Library Staff
Canadian Urban Libraries Council / Conseil des Bibliothèques Urbaines du Canada (CULC/CBUC) formed a Safety and Security Working Group to:
- develop a toolkit consisting of best practices regarding safety and security; and
- promote learning, support, and collaboration around safety and security in public libraries
Karin Borland, Manager of Winnipeg Public Library will be hosting a webinar to go over the toolkit along with Moe Hosseini-Ara, Director of Branch Operations & Customer Experience (Toronto Public Library) and Heather Robertson, Director of Service Design and Innovation (Calgary Public Library). There will be opportunity for discussion among webinar participants. View the toolkit here https://www.librarysafety.ca/.
WHEN: Monday, April 22, 2024 from 10 am to 11:30 am Central Time
COST: Free
Safety and Security Toolkit Webinar Sign-up (office.com)
This webinar is open to Manitoba public library staff and Manitoba public library board/trustees.
Registration is open until Friday, April 19, 2024.
A Zoom link will be provided day of meeting.
Questions? Please contact wpladminoffice@winnipeg.ca Attention: Annabel Perez
Co-hosted by the Manitoba Library Association and Winnipeg Public Library