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Month: June 2022

Call for Expressions of Interest!

Posted in Advocacy, and Professional Development

Call for Expressions of Interest to represent CFLA-FCAB on the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing

The CFLA-FCAB Cataloguing and Metadata Standards Committee (CMSC) is seeking expressions of interest in representing CFLA-FCAB on the Canadian Committee on Cataloguing (CCC). One CFLA-FCAB position is currently open and CMSC would like to have someone in place for September 1, 2022. The appointment will be for a three-year term ending August 31, 2025.

IFLA North America Copyright Survey July 1st Deadline!

Posted in Uncategorized

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

The IFLA North America Regional Division Committee is gathering information about areas of interest related to copyright and open access to inform our future work.

The committee anticipates sharing regular updates about IFLA’s work in these areas as part of our communication activities, and look forward to hearing about ways that copyright exceptions and limitations enable your work, or where a lack of exceptions and limitations creates barriers, particularly for cross-border sharing of resources.

The following short survey is intended to help us understand what library workers and leaders are most interested in hearing about in relation to international activities.

Please use the link below to take the survey (est. time 5 minutes or less)

Please respond by Friday July 1.