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Information on COVID-19

MLA Posts

September 23, 2021: Public Health Orders 

November 10, 2020: Manitoba moves to Code Red on Thursday, November 12

September 28, 2020: The Province of Manitoba elevates the #RestartMB Pandemic Response System level for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region to Restricted (orange).

April 29, 2020: The Province of Manitoba releases plan to gradually reopen services.

March 30, 2020: The Province of Manitoba issues new Public Health Order.

March 20, 2020: The Province of Manitoba has declared a state of emergency.

March 19, 2020: The Manitoba Library Association issued a statement recommending libraries close to the public due to COVID-19.

March 13, 2020: CFLA-FCAB National Forum & Manitoba Libraries Conference has been canceled. Please read more here.

COVID-19 Resources

Province of Manitoba: Coronavirus

World Health Organization: Coronavirus

Government of Canada: Coronavirus Disease

International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA): COVID-19 and the Global Library Field

Southern Ontario Library Service, Ontario Library Service-North, and Ontario Library Association: COVID-19: Resources for Public Libraries

Public Library Services: Preventing the Spread of Viral Infections

OCLC: Libraries and the Coronavirus: Evolving Information and Resources

Winnipeg Public Library: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Government of Canada: Canada’s Economic Response Plan

CBC article about the The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), income support for up to 16 weeks to those who lost their jobs, got sick, are under quarantine, or have to stay home because of school closures.

Online Training

InSync Training is offering a session titled How to Go Live! Taking a GREAT Program and Moving it to the Virtual Classroom on May 12, 2020, from 2 to 3 pm ET.

The Partnership webinar replay: Crisis Communications: Communicating with Consistency and Transparency.

Education Institute webinar replay: Together in Isolation: Engaging Your Users During COVID-19

American Libraries Live replay: Libraries and COVID-19: Providing Virtual Services

American Libraries Live replay: Libraries and COVID-19: Managing Strategies and Stress

Visit the Public Library Services Branch training calendar for further online library training.

Additional Online Resources rassemble sur une même plateforme les heures du conte virtuelles et audio pour le plus grand plaisir des enfants!