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February 4th Workshop with Bruce Fiske – Hosted by the Library Technicians Division

Posted in Library Technicians, and Professional Development

This workshop is targeted at library staff with public service roles. Libraries are spaces for everyone from all walks of life, and workers are often in front lines of service, in person and digitally. Libraries strive to provide safe spaces for their workers and the communities they serve.  This workshop will discuss the topic of working through challenging patron behavior through training and planning for safe work practices in person and online for library professionals.


Bruce Fiske: 

Bruce graduated from the University of Manitoba Social Work program with a Master of Social
Work in 2011 and Bachelor of Recreation Studies in 1993. He has been a Social Worker at Winnipeg
Public Libraries since June 2012. His background most of his life has been in the area of recreation with
aging populations along with experience in crisis intervention, mental health, and youth recreation. He
enjoys spending time with his wife, three children, their numerous pursuits and family activities.

Bruce Fiske (MSW), Social Worker at WPL, will discuss the topic of working through challenging customer/client behavior through training and planning for safe work practices. Topics covered will include identifying concerns in the workplace, self-calming and control techniques, the concept of de-escalation, assessment, and tactics for common scenarios and planning and practice for the future.

Kyle Feenstra:

Kyle is the Coordinator for Learning and; Instruction Support at University of Manitoba Libraries. He has B.A. and B.Ed. degrees from the University of Winnipeg and an MLIS from the University of Western Ontario. His current research is focused on critical pedagogy, learner autonomy, and the place of student voice in academic libraries.

During the workshop, Kyle will discuss approaches taken by University of Manitoba Libraries to manage potential conflict in online reference interactions. The workshop will focus on strategies to increase staff and patron safety in situations where patrons are exhibiting significant levels of stress or agitation, including potential crisis situations.

Location: Neil John Maclean Library Room 385

Enter the main Lobby of the U of M  744 Bannatyne Ave campus on the first floor. If entering from McDermot, you will already be inside the lobby. If entering from the underground parking lot on Sherbrook, proceed through the building towards the Bannatyne Campus main building. The lobby is directly after the entrance.

From the lobby, either take the elevator to level “2B” or walk up the flight of stairs to the next Brodie Building floor. (It’s the first floor that has a walkway hanging over the lobby.) The Neil John Maclean Library on the right.

Once inside the library, go directly up the spiral staircase, or take the elevator to the 3rd floor. It will be on the far left wall if you were taking the stairs, or to your right if you took the elevator. The room has a glass wall and has “385” written on the glass.


Monday, February 4th, 2019, 10am – 1pm


$50 for members ; $65 for non-members

Registration Steps
Step 1: Please click here to register
Step 2: Buy your ticket here by selecting your rate below
