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MLA Releases its Strategic Plan

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The Manitoba Library Association Board of Directors is very pleased to share our vision, mission, values, priorities, and objectives. The 2021-2025 Strategic Plan is the result of member input and thorough board discussions that took place for the purpose of establishing a clear, unified sense of priorities and direction.

In February 2020, the Manitoba Library Association conducted a member survey to gather feedback on a variety of topics. Eighty nine responses were received and the information gathered was used in the strategic planning process. Strategic planning meetings with the Board of Directors took place in January and March of 2020. A collaborative approach to planning was taken that allowed a wide variety of ideas and opinions to emerge. All information was reviewed in a systematic manner that allowed the priorities and values to rise to the top.

It is our hope that all people associated with the Manitoba Library Association take some time to review the Strategic Plan. The vision, mission, values and priorities outlined in this plan will guide future decisions and directions of the Manitoba Library Association.