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Author: prisonlibraries

Letter sent from the Manitoba Library Association to the Municipal Council of the City of Winkler

Posted in Advocacy, and Intellectual Freedom

July 21, 2023
To the Mayor and Municipal Council of the City of Winkler:

The Manitoba Library Association (MLA) has significant concerns stemming from the July 11, 2023 City of Winkler Council meeting, where the Council chose to officially appoint Councillor Don Fehr to serve as the Council Representative to the South Central Regional Library (SCRL) Board. Further, Council also passed a resolution that called on both Board representatives of the City of Winkler to “exert influence as members of the SCRL Board of Directors to create policy whereby graphically sexually explicit books be moved from the children’s section to another section of the library as appropriate so that children will not stumble across them but they remain available to parents who wish to use them as an educational resource”.

On June 2, while attending the political event for CPC candidate Branden Leslie at the Meridian Exhibition Centre in Winkler, Mr. Fehr was recorded having a conversation with a local anti-government conspiracy theorist Karl Kreb.

In the audio (which can be made available upon request), Don is clearly heard to say the following:
● He identified himself as being a SCRL Board member.
● He told Karl he spoke with two other people, with the full name of one person being Rick Wall, and told them to “hang off with the protesting…to let us do our thing inside”.
● He told Karl he “does not want any media attention on me because I would like to do this in a way that is, methodically done, to, have the final end result that we can have.”

In addition to saying these things on camera during a live-streamed political event, Mr. Fehr’s name also appears on one of the petitions submitted to the City Council for the July 11 Council meeting.

Given Mr. Fehr’s personal views in favour of censoring library materials, and the fact he has articulated his willingness to abuse his authority as an elected official to force his personal views onto the SCRL Board, MLA is deeply disturbed that the City of Winkler Council felt it was appropriate to appoint Mr. Fehr to serve as their representative to the SCRL Board. We are even more disturbed that the Council saw fit to give full support to Mr. Fehr to effectively bully the SCRL Board into forcing SCRL to take action that not only violates the library system’s autonomy, but also forces the views of a few people onto the over 44,000 people SCRL serves.

MLA calls upon the City of Winkler Council to immediately revoke its appointment of Councillor Don Fehr as Council Representative to the SCRL Board, and for the Council to issue an official apology to the other funding councils of SCRL for attempting to force those communities to accept the de facto censorship practices called for in the City’s recent resolution.

Richard Bee, MLIS
Director-at-Large, Advocacy
Manitoba Library Association

MLA and MSLA issue statement in light of the recent active harassment of public school boards and public library boards in Manitoba

Posted in Advocacy

The Manitoba Library Association (MLA) and the Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA) have issued the following statement in light of the recent active harassment of public school boards and public library boards in Manitoba:

The Manitoba Library Association (MLA) and the Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA)  condemn the harassment of public library boards and public school boards as an attack on public education and intellectual freedom. We stand with school, academic and public library professionals and affirm our commitment to diversity, equity, and the safeguarding of the peaceful exchange of ideas. Recent incidents, like the disruptive protest during a Louis Riel School Division school board meeting in Winnipeg and the harassment of employees and Board members of the South Central Regional Library headquartered in Winkler, underscore the urgent need to address this issue.

Such harassment disrupts the vital work of all library professionals and hinders access to diverse educational resources. We affirm the right of library staff and professionals to maintain collections that serve the needs of all members of their communities, including members of the 2SLGBTQQIA+ community. 

We reject all forms of harassment and intimidation and advocate for inclusive communities where every member of the community is respected. It is crucial for community leaders to support their libraries and defend the principles of open education, intellectual freedom, inclusivity, diversity, and equal access to information. Together, we can support our diverse and democratic society that upholds these values and ensures the flourishing of knowledge, understanding, and respectful dialogue.

Scholarship application deadline extended to July 31st, 2023!

Posted in Scholarships & Awards

Are you currently enrolled in a graduate level program in library and information sciences? Have you heard about the Manitoba Library Association scholarships? Consider applying today!

The Manitoba Library Association administers THREE scholarships on an annual basis:

Jean Thorunn Law Scholarship
Available to eligible applicants who have worked in a Manitoba library and who choose to further their career by pursuing a graduate program in library and information science. Applicants must have been engaged in recent library work in Manitoba for twelve months.

John Edwin Bissett Scholarship
Available to eligible undergraduates of the University of Manitoba who are pursuing a graduate program in library and information science. Applicants must have completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Manitoba.

*new* Marilyn J. Hernandez Scholarship
Available to eligible applicants who are residents of Manitoba and who are pursuing a master’s or PhD in an accredited library and information program.

Scholarship FAQ and Application documents are available here.
Questions can be directed to the Scholarships committee at

REMINDER: AGM is next week!

Posted in AGM, Board, and Membership

The Manitoba Library Association Annual General Meeting is next week!
Tuesday June 20, 2023
6:00 PM Central Time, online over Zoom

These are important and challenging times for libraries in Manitoba – we need you! Get involved as a member by putting your name forward for the board, by joining a committee, and/or by supporting the work of the MLA as we continue to promote and support our incredible libraries and library staff members in this province.

Please register for receipt of AGM package and Zoom link.
Only registered members are able to vote, please visit our website if you need to renew or purchase membership.

We will be electing the following board positions:

Vice President
Communications Director
Director At Large – Website
Director At Large – Professional Development
Trustee Division Chair
Library Technicians Chair

Hope to see you there!

Better, Faster, Stronger: Making Your Library Practices More Efficient Through the Lean Approach

Posted in Membership, and Professional Development

Join the Education Institute (EI) for a conversation about Lean methodology and how it applies in every size library for any audience.

At its core, Lean is about leveraging the knowledge of staff to break down current practices and processes, and replace them with simpler, more efficient changes that require less effort. Best of all, adopting a Lean approach can lead to large time and even money-saving results. Discover how to benefit from the ‘less work, higher impact’ model!

Date & Time:
This is a two-part virtual workshop.
Part One – Monday, June 19 @ 2PM – 4PM ET
Part Two – Monday, June 26 @ 2PM – 4PM ET
Learning Objectives:
  • Gain a high-level understanding of Lean Methodology;
  • Learn how foundational lean principles, such as continuous improvement and huddles, can be applied in your library;
  • Identify library-specific areas and processes that have streamlining potential and see practical examples and applications.

Webinar + Online Breakout Sessions (Please note: space is limited to 60 spots.)

Amanda French, Manager, Social Development (TPL); Lean Green Belt; ProSci Certified Change Management Specialist
Kenneth Leung, Lean Program Manager; Lean Master Black Belt, Professional Engineer, ProSci Change Management Certified

As a member of the Manitoba Library Association, you qualify for the EI membership rates.
Register today!